Today's the most adorable day for me. Just got home from a "retreat". I don't know you guys know this kinda thing or not. Hahaa
So, it's a church activity where we're being fulfilled with God presence, going a great place to worship God together, praise God together, pray together and learn something which's all about Jesus-Jesus and Jesus. Thank God, in church where I serve and grow, has a very huge and adorable and full of God presence place called Bukit Doa or in English means "Prayer Hill". 
So this place's dedicated to everyone or every community or every church who wanna come to make a private time with God, far from city, with a lot of great chambers, rooms and everything inside it. You guys can go there because it's opened for everyone who wants to go there but of course you all need to register yourself or team first. (Trust me it's not a promotion thing, I just wanna tell you the truth. Lol)
I've been there for about 3 or 4 times for the same thing "RETREAT", which's been held by my church with many RETREAT theme (Like YIELD TO GOD, 4TH DIMENSION, and the last Retreat theme which I attended today's SUPERNATURAL WORSHIP)
As a worshiper, we need to really know what's our purpose in worship Jesus. There're many reasons why we worship God especially for everyone of us who serve God in a certain ministry at church. Because I've got about the servant of God at the retreat so im gonna talk more about it all.
Many reasons comes for our reasons why we serve God and do ministry at church. It might be :
1. For build up your skill and talent. Like, "it's better to build up my talent at church better than no place and lost it. Especially we need to pay anything with serve at church so I can make my talent getting perfect"
2. To spend my free time. "better I spend it at church in positive thing than other things out there"
3. To get some money. Because some churches pay the servant for ministry
4. To get some position at church, and make it like a "career" but at church 
5. Because you love God who loves you first, and you wanna serve Him because we know wholly that God's great to be praised so we gave our live to serve Him.

I know we all will choose the best answer's in number 5 (But hopefully you choose it because that's the true you. Hehehe)

But, from this RETREAT, I've got a new paradigm about what is serving Jesus about. What's ministry about. It's our Pastor, Philip Mantofa who give us all a very powerful preach which blessed us so much and encourage us about what's the SUPERNATURAL WORSHIP about. 
It taken from the The Bible at GENESIS 4 which talk about Cain and Abel, about their fight which ended up with murdered. Cain killed Abel just because God choose Abel worship than what Cain did. 
We all know that In God, there's no superiority or inferiority. It's not about God didn't like vegetables (what Cain gave) and choose meats (what Abel gave). 
It's about because God see their hearts. It said in the Bible :

And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord.
And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering:
But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
It's written that Cain brought the fruit of the ground and Abel brought the FIRSTLINGS of his flock. The keyword's in FIRTSLINGS. Abel brought and gave the FIRSTLINGS of what he has. And everything which's the FIRSTLINGS must be the best part. For example, when you get the cow milk, the first distillation must be the best part better than the second, third, etc. So the same way with what Abel did. He gave the best and the first for God as an offering (means his worship to God). And Cain just gave his fruits, it doesn't written that its the first or the best fruits. 
God is pleased in the best what we gave, and He absolutely know our hearts. are we do our ministry and worship with our whole heart and the best part of us or we just do it as a usual thing to do, as our regular activity and don't feel any special feeling more on it.
Ministry isn't about how skill you are, how good looking you are, or how many ministry you've got. We need skill, and talents to worship God at ministry but that's not the first and the most important thing. GOD CHOOSE WORSHIPER NOT ARTIST !
What I've got about ministry are :
1. Give the FIRSTLINGS for worship God in everything we do especially in ministry we have. Don't forget it's all because God's grace when we can serve Him because the time when we quit, at the same time many people behind us are waiting to replace our place at that ministry. 
2. Worship God in our ministry with our whole heart, not just our half heart. Abel do his ministry and worship God for free, he do it because he love God and just wanna do the worship without thing any payback. DO THE BEST WE CAN TO RECEIVE NOTHING BUT GOD.
3. We worship God not only in our ministry at church but also in our daily life. How we could be a good 'keeper' for our brothers and sisters surrounds us. We're not only come to church, do the ministry, and we don't care about our brothers and sisters in ministry. How's your caring life to your team mates or team members at your church ministry ?

We have to walk the extra miles with God when we worship Him because we do it wholly for Him. Whatever we offer to God, we have to offer all our live. Let's be more a lovable person for others, people surround us can feel us how we actually are. When people like us as a lovable person, we share loves everywhere (means God's love) with caring and our warm wherever we are, means they will like our worship and they might like our God too. If people cannot like you, how could God like you ?
We know God is love, so if we have a Lovable God, what's the reason for us for not being a lovable person too like Jesus who we worship to. 

One thing for sure, and it hit me so deep "WORSHIP ISN'T A LIFESTYLE, IT'S A LIFE AND THE ACT OF FAITH"
There's no level on worshipping God. we cannot have any wrong motivation when we worship God in our ministry. Don't think that we worship God for getting any position or any other level to jump. Because WORSHIPING GOD is ABOUT STUCK WITH GOD. STUCK IN HIS PRESENCE and DON'T WANT TO GO ANYWHERE ELSE. 
There's no other better STUCK then in God's presence, His presence make us COMPLETE and don't want to get any other things than it. and it do change all my paradigm this far.
Im grateful to be stuck with God because im stuck in His presence and I don't wanna go anywhere else. STUCK with Him is the best part of me. STUCK here means I don't have any other way than just stay in His presence, no way out and I don't wanna go anywhere else. I wanna stay forever in my whole life, I wanna stuck with Him only. It's a LIFE !

So what about you ?
Do you feel complete and "STUCK" enough with God ? And it could be enough for you to stay with His presence only even without any payback or reward ? or you think worshiping God is only a way to jump to other 'level' that we want actually as our hiding motivation.
It's all in your heart, make it right when Jesus speaks to you right now. Because He love you so :)

Jesus bless


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