Remembrance ..

Remembrance. When we heard this word, what's the first thing that comes out in our mind ?
The first time I got this word, was when I found the Hillsong's newest album "There is more". I accidentally saw one of the Hillsong worship leader instagram. On her instagram she told about the story behind 'REMEMBRANCE' song (this is one of the song on the album), and when I heard it I felt God presence so strong. We know that God presence can annointing us everywhere, every time and to everyone. I was cried when I know the story behind and listen the song moreover. Gonna show you the song ..

Jesus can speak to us in every way, and in my life Jesus speaks to me from this song. it happened about a week ago.
So this's about my office event. The company where i work, make a photo competition for every branch to give the best photoshoot with using Indonesian traditional clothes. And like usual, my office choose me to be the pic and prepare all those things. Everything goes so well, I was easy to find the photographer from my friend recommendation. The photographer name's Ghofur and I called him Mas Ghofur (Indonesian callings for our man friends who older than us. maybe you wanna know guys. lol). Mas Ghofur's the photographer at one of Indonesian popular newspaper named "Jawa Pos" magazine. He's so kind and help us to make a good photoshoot for the competition. it's all done well and I sent the best result of the photo to my company. Then everything goes as usual, work and do anything like we used to do. When the weekend's coming, I choose to visit my parent home which is my hometown. I went there by bus, I went to the bus station, enter the bus and took a sit beside the windows. Then I started turn on my Spotify like usual, I choose the HILLSONG "THERE IS MORE" album to played. When the bus's departing, I accept Mas Ghofur's message and he sent me a part of Jawa Pos Newspaper that day and there's my picture with my team there. Not only that, the article wrote about my name (my complete name) and tell the story about our photoshoot activity before.
When I saw that message, I just speechless and amazed that I could be there with my team. I mean, im in the newspaper ! hahahha
For some people, maybe on the newspaper isn't a big deal. but for me, it's amazing. And when I feel that gratefulness on the bus, sitting alone looking out at the windows, then this REMEMBRANCE song played. What a right timing, when I feel that beat and gratefulness then this song's turn played. And I don't know why, I wanna find the lyric (because I never tried to really take a look to this lyric before, means I just listened on it). And when the music's playing, and I read the lyric, with that gratefulness fulfill my heart a lot at that time, suddenly I cried out in my silence. This song make me realise how much Jesus loves and so good to me so far, with all the things He gave and giving to me. This song reminds me, how much Jesus loves me unconditionally, without any rules without any excuses. HE just loves me the way iam, He never fails in me.
I Know at that time, Jesus's told me how much He loves me from that song. Remembrance Song. And  which makes me feel deeper in the hype of Jesus grace when this part's coming :

If ever I should lose my way
If ever I deny Your grace
Remind me of the price You paid
I’ll live in remembrance
BRIDGE (repeated):
You’ve been so so good to me
You’ve been so so good to me
Oh to think where I would be
If not for You
If not for You

This song hits me a lot about how much Jesus love me no matter what. Thanks to Hillsong who make this song so beautiful and bless me so much. Thanks to Chris Daveport and Benjamin Hastings who made the this beautiful words and music, thanks to Brookeli Gertwood for shared and posted about this song in her instagram which make me found this song for the very first time. And moreover, it's all about Jesus who loves us so much and use His people to share about His loves to everyone who listen to this song, and im one of those everyone.
I even played this song repeatedly in my phone every time I played my spotify, and right now while im writing this all beautiful God grace, im listening to that song still. And the blessings and gratefulness still comes along over me. See, how beautiful Jesus in our lives. How much He really want to us know, that His Love is an never-ending story. Even when we feel, we're not loved, He Loves us still. Realise how Great is our Jesus is.
No-one ever shows me the Love like what Jesus do.
There's no greater Love than this.

Jesus bless


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