Jesus is ...

im not gonna write down everything which's only in my opinion. It's still about the reality which is happened to my life, the reality of God's work and His kindness that overflows my life a lot.
You believe it or not, Jesus is true and He's alive. He can touch everyone life, He can come and stay in our lives. Jesus isn't a story which told by our parents, or just a story in Bible, He's The Only One King and God which is truly alive. He died for us on the cross for us, for our sins, and He raise up in the third day to give us victory, to show us that God is able and He has the authority of died and life.

Some people ask me, why you have to believe Jesus ?
How could you be so sure that He is God ?
How could the christians believe in 3 Gods, Jesus, Holy Spirit and Allah ?
And many questions out there

Im not trying to defending my self, or defending Jesus evermore because He doesn't need any defend from me or anyone. He's a God, and no matter how many people don't believe it, He still God and it will never change. But let me just share you guys about why im so serious about Jesus.

  1. He change my life 
How could HE change me ? Yes He can. I was a kid who doesn't know anything at all, before. I didn't know what is faith about, I didn't know why I need to have faith, why I have to believe Jesus or other God maybe, why I live, etc. like the other kids, I didn't know anything and have no idea about anything. Just for your information, I live with my parents which has a different beliefs. My mom's Christian, my dad's Moslem. I never thought and imagine or even dream to have this situation, but trust me I never regret with all of these situations, therefore IAM BLESSED ! And I'm so sure when im telling you this. Formerly, I always go to church every Sunday, but Monday to Saturday I go to mosque to join the Quran class. I still remember about what I've learned at that time. it happened till grow up to be a junior high school student. I do remember too, when I was in elementary school, my mom ask permission to my dad for brought me to church for Christmas ministry. and that night, my dad was so angry and don't let me go with my mom. they fight each other, my mom's crying and I just can see them with crying a lot for seeing them. And I remember when my mom took a knife and said,
"Better im died than you don't let me bring my daughter to church. When you crush on me, you know you crush my God"
Then my dad took that knife from mom, and my dad tried to hold my mom's mouth to make her stop what she's talking about.
Im still crying sitting down in the floor and don't know anything. It still so clear in my mind till this time. It's memorable, and I won't forget it at all.
Then I grow up, I do what I have to do. And that time comes, when I just finished my junior high school and gonna continue to senior high school. I have one favourite school which I do love and dreamed about. Then my mom told me,
"If you want to study at that favourite school, you need to pray to Jesus for it"
And as an innocent girl, I just simply do what my mom said.
At that afternoon, I sit down on my knees near my bed, I hold my hand, then simply I said on my pray,
"Jesus Christ, I wanna study at that school in SMANELA (SMA NEGERI LAWANG) and I hope I could pass the test. Amen"
That's all !
After passed a few days, I registering my self there with my mom accompanied me. I join the test, and I wait the result for the next few days.
And when the time's coming, I went to that school to see the result and it is "PASSED" ! Yessss, iam passed and I was officially accepted at that school ! Yeaaayyyy !!!
Iam soooo so happy at that time.
When im home, I put my knees on pray (in the same place in my room near my bed). I said
"Thank You Jesus for giving me this gift. Iam so grateful."
And before I said AMEN, Suddenly there's something told my heart this word clearly and so strong
"It's only me, Jesus who can give you HOPE"
That word's so deep and clear in my ear and heart. and I don't know how it work, after that time, I decided to follow Jesus and so sure about my faith and beliefs to HIM. I'm not confusing anymore, I don't have any willing to do any other pray than pray to Jesus.
And that's really the very first time I accept Jesus and not confuse anymore. It's not because I choose Jesus anyway, It's Jesus who choose me first :)

2.  He Shows and teach me what is Love about
I will never have any idea how great is His love, because it's too great to be understood. The only thing I found, Allah as our Father see how much trouble in this world, many people do sins everywhere, and He really sad about those things. sins has separate the human from God, because God is too holly and mighty, and we-as a human- with our sin, will never could come closer to The Holy Father. The only way to make us able to close to the Holy Father, is only with God favour. No matter how many good things we do, how good we are, our goodness will never make us worth enough to come to the Holly God, because we all do sins. Then, to make us worthy, Allah gave Himself and gave us His words with Jesus's born. Jesus's not a common child who born from a sexual life. Jesus's God words which born to be 100% human and 100% God. The only reason Allah do that, because He want to show us that God's words is ALIVE and can save us.

John 3:16 King James Version (KJV)

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Could we see how much God Loves us from this words ?
If we wanna take a deep thought for a while, let's think why He has to save us ?
Do we think we're worthy enough to be saved ?
We're actually nothing, but He still Love and save us. That's the sweetest thing.
Sometimes I asked to Jesus in my pray, "Why You have to save me ? If im thinking, as if You don't save me, You won't loose anything. Because I know im nothing. But why you still save me?"
And the only answer I got "IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU"
That's the only words I got every time I think about His cross-Jesus Cross. And I never could imagine how could I live if there's no Jesus in my life. If He doesn't save me with that Cross, how would my life would be.
Jesus born from virgin Maria and He's The Saviour who died for us on the Cross. Because that's the only way to finished all the sins of human and broke all the human sins to make the human could be holly like God so we can come to God closer because He erased our sins at all at the Jesus cross.
The Only reason why Jesus did that, why Allah did that because HE LOVE US, THE HUMAN. Jesus come and died not only for certain people or community. Jesus come and died to save ALL THE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVES HIM. SO, it means He wants to save everyone. it's just back to our choice, wanna believe HIM or not.
And because of His Cros means His Love, I know now that God loves me truly and it's been proved with Jesus's cross. What should I ask ? I have no reason for unsure about HIs love, I know that God is ALIVE from Jesus. If there's no Jesus, I will still live in believe in something which I never see and never proved. But He prove it on the cross. I know my God is ALIVE and it's Jesus who Love me this much. With that cross, I have no question again is God really loves me or not. Because He answered it already with that Cross. So im saved and secured now.

3. He give me LIVE
Live here doesn't mean only you can wake up and breathing this morning. It's moreeeee more far about what is your LIVE about. many people live, breathing, working, playing and can do anything. but not all people REALLY ALIVE. You know what I mean ?
Live in Jesus means, I know my life today isn't about breathing and working or playing only. It's about PURPOSE. Jesus give us PURPOSE in this live. We have reason why we LIVE so far, what for we live and we know where would we go. And in front of us, there's Jesus who leads us to the live that He wants in us. He doesn't make us live today just for fulfil the word unpurposely, but HE HAS PURPOSE. To do something mighty and its all for His glory.

Matthew 5:13-15 King James Version (KJV)

13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
Every purpose will lead us to the finish, it's all to His Glory to be the salt and light for the world. To bring Jesus's love to other people who don't know it yet. 
We need to bring His love and share it to everyone around of us. Because Jesus want to save everyone. it's not about take people from other side, it's all about God's Love. That's all !

So, the same way with me. I'm not here, in this blog or in this place where I sitting down, to be nothing unpurposely. Iam here because of God (It's Jesus who saves me and give me Love), for Jesus and also from Jesus. Iam here to do something as He called me. He wants me to do something good to make a better life for many people and for me too. and it's all for His glory. Like im writing down this all, not for persuade anyone, I write this because I wanna share Jesus love for everyone who wanna know what is God love about and see how much Jesus love you who read this. Accept Him, because He miss you already. God is never far, He never reject anyone, therefore He's so so so much love us- everyone of us. There's no hatred in Him, only Love !

With Jesus Loves,


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