an umbrella before the rain

Well, let me tell you something.
There's some part of life which you cannot change.
But there's a huge number of things which you can just give it to God and it all would change too much easily.
Then what should we do with those things ?
- Repair which you can control and change
- Give it all to God for those things you cannot handle.

This morning I wake up with one strong message from the Bible.
It takes from "Isaiah 38:7"
About God's promising which would never ever fail.

After i read that verses, some words showed up in my heart.
No matter how's world and people surrounds us thought and said, there's none like what God says. What God says should be guarantee, but not with people says.
This morning someone could say "A" but the reality could be "B".
Not with God's words, what He says, should be done PERFECTLY.
Means, people can say anything but God also could turn what they say to something greater, bigger and perfectly perfect.
That's why we cannot trust anyone except God.

I accept this message and keep it life in me.

Magically, at the afternoon after it, I got a fact which is related with this message.
Someone told me about something bad, he threatening me with some bad words about what will He do to me.
I got a little panic and worry at that time (and its normally happens to anyone I think) hahaha
Then, I pray in my heart and ask God to make me quiet and peace inside. Not thinking about that too much.
And then i remember the morning devotion which I got about how God could change any bad words of people into another way it.
And its soooo much related with what happen to me after get that threatening.
The morning devotion give me some hope and calm inside that no matter how bad that people threatening me, that's all won't be happen because God will change it into a good things. He will stop all bad things for not coming to us.

But further, I'm grateful because He prepares me first with His words in morning devotion before I got the threatening. Like He knows would be there's something happen to me, and He strengthen me first before I face something bad.
Thank God I have a very preparing God like Jesus.

So don't worry about anything. He prepares you so well, we just need to hearing Him clearly and get closer to Him so we can understand what He wants us to learn, then face the world with His life learning.
Keep going with God
God bless you everyone :)


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