What's our calling ? (Part 2)

Ini kelanjutan dari artikelku sebelumnya, tentang panggilan kita, or we could say "our calling in God". 

Udah pada baca artikel sebelumnya kah ? Hehehee

So, in the last article I told about my first step to do my calling with sharing something useful with a woman whom I know from my mom.  and im gonna continue the story.

In the next month, I continued the activity with the next person whom I could help. Before I found the right person, I pray for it first. While im on the way with my mom and dad for going somewhere, there's someone who jumped to my mind suddenly. I know him, because he's my neighbour in my parents city. And I got that one must be my next purpose to visit, share Jesus loves and pray for him. I don't know why at that time, im just so sure about that person. So, in the next couple of days, I went to his house with my brother (and of course as always, I pray first before went there). 
I remember, its in the Sunday evening when I went to Pak Jalal (That's that man name) house. And I just knock the door. When he opened the door, I lil bit shock because I saw his stomach was bandaged. I asked him what happened, then he told me and my brother that he's been crushed by a car. Then he told us also that he's jobless for this few weeks. I asked him about his children and he said that his children didn't come to visit him for this few years. And when I heard about that, I just amazed (amazed to God, how He speak to me the right name who needs help). Then we talked about his condition and many things. After talk a lot, I told him about the story how come I decided to come to his house which I never did before. I told him as same as what I told here. It's Jesus who bring me to Pak Jalal, and I said that Jesus Loves him so much. it proven when He bring me to him when I don't know at all about his condition. It's like, Jesus help him in the right time. And when he heard about my story, he just silent for a second, then he cry...
On that time, I just cry tho with him. and I cry more, when I feel like someone told me to my heart on that time and it said
"You know Dina, this is how I show you how much I love all of you. I care so much about what happen to you and I can do anything to show you how much I love you and how precious you are for me. I love you all my children"
It said clearly in my heart, and it's make me cry more for knowing that. It's like Jesus who speak to my heart.
After that, I asked him to pray for Pak Jalal and he said yes. Then we pray together, and talk more then im home. Before im out from Pak Jalal's house, he said : "Keep listening to God words kid, He will make you more".

And dang ! You know, it's like a huge blessing for me. Like God confirmation to me to know that I have to do more about His calling in my life.
Then I home, and while on the way home, I pray in the car to say thanks to Jesus for what He did and how He do a favor to my life. 

The message that I got from "visiting Pak Jalal" experience, was I knew by my own eyes how Jesus could do many impossible and out of mind things to show how much He loves us. His Love is so great, and no one Loves us like how He do. 

From that time, I just feel so overwhelmed by His Love and realise, no matter what happen to me even when I feel God doesn't love me at that time, the truth is HE IS LOVING ME SO MUCH BECAUSE GOD IS LOVE.

So, let's grateful of what He done for us so far. Never doubted His Love, just stay faithful to believe His Love because we never know how wonderful and huge Love Jesus has for us.
God bless



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